Other Colloquia and Events
Other Colloquia and Events
In addition to our three main colloquia held annually at the University of Guelph, McGill University, and the University of British Columbia, ICASP is proud to present additional colloquia and events at other institutions and community partners. Events differ from year to year, but consistently offer a wide selection of renowned speakers, performers, and workshop facilitators.
Additional Conferences
In January, 2009, ICASP partnered with the Sons d'hiver festival in Paris, France (and with Université Paris 7 - Denis Diderot) to host an international conference on Trans-Atlantic Improvisation.
The international colloquium Improvisation: Ordres et désordres. Faits d’art et faits de société was held in Paris, Jan. 21-22, 2009 helped extend the project’s international reach (particularly among French scholars). The colloquium was part of the Sons d’hiver jazz festival; both the festival and the U.F.R. Lettres, Arts et Cinema at the Université Paris Diderot are now partners of the ICASP project.
Four ICASP members presented at the conference: Eric Lewis, Pauline Oliveros, Jesse Stewart, and Ellen Waterman. The four, who are all musicians, gave a free concert in Paris at Souffle Continue, an avant-garde record store and concert venue in the 11th arrondissement.
Additional Publications
Textuel, no. 60 (2010)
A French-language journal based in Paris published a special issue focussing on improvisation based on proceedings from the Paris conference. The journal featured essays by ICASP team members Eric Lewis, Jesse Stewart, and Pauline Oliveros.