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Project journal now online

The latest issue of Critical Studies in Improvisation/Études critiques en improvisation, the online journal of Improvisation, Community, and Social Practice, is now available at

This issue focuses on Anthony Braxton; related features are "Keynote Address at the Guelph Jazz Festival, 2007"; by Anthony Braxton, "Pitch into Time: Notes on Anthony Braxton's Lower Register" by Stuart Broomer, and, "'What I Call a Sound': Anthony Braxton's Synaesthetic Ideal and Notations for Improvisers" by Graham Lock.

Other features include "From the Margins to the Mainstream: Jazz and Social Relations" by Alan Stanbridge, "The 'Finite' Art of Improvisation: Pedagogy and Power in Jazz Education" by Kenneth E. Prouty, "Steps Against Forgetfulness (Six of Them) by Alain Derbez, and, "Itutu ('On how to appropriately present oneself to others'): Extra-musical pedagogical values of creative music" by Alexandre Pierrepont, Pierre Carsalade, and Romain Tesler.

Frédérique Arroyas and Ellen Waterman comment on "Reaching Out: Improvisation's Potentials and Limitations" in the journal's editorial.

Dr. Waterman also contributed "'I Dreamed of Other Worlds': An Interview with Nicole Mitchel".

Ted Harms reviews Cornelius Cardew (1936-1981): A Reader.

The journal also includes a call for papers for the next issue on the theme "Sexualities in Improvisation." Guidelines for submission can be found on the journal website.

Listening itself, an improvisative act engaged in by everyone, announces a practice of active engagement with the world, where we sift, interpret, store and forget, in parallel with action and fundamentally articulated with it ("Mobilitas Animi" 113).

– George E. Lewis