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PANEL 2A: Intercultural Musical Exchange

Guelph Jazz Festival, ICASP

Published: 2014-08-19

A panel presented at the 2013 Guelph Jazz Festival Colloquium. Moderator: Illa Carrillo-Rodriguez
• Rebecca Caines (Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Regina), “The Shadow of the Crow: Profound Uncertainty in Improvised Community-based New Media”
• Sandy Evans (Department of Media, Music, Communication and Cultural Studies, Macquarie University, Australia), “Meetings at the Table of Time: An Australian Saxophonist and Carnatic Improvisers in Dialogue”
• Rob Wallace (International Studies, Bowling Green State University), “Passages to India”

Available Files

  • GJFC_2013_Panel_2A_Intercultural_Musical_Exchange_full_edited.mp4

    766 MB | video/mp4


If people talked the way they drummed in improvisation, then I think the world would be a lot nicer…

– Youth participant, ICASP improvisation workshop